The 28th of February will see a series of events organized to celebrate the Day of Andalucía in the town of Mojácar.
The festivities will begin in the town hall square at 12 noon with the raising of the Andalucia flag. This will be followed by an exhibition of Zumba at the Plaza Nueva and a release of balloons to mark the festival. At 2 P.M. at the Plaza Parterre there will be a Giant Paella, free for everyone, courtesy of the Town Hall.
At 6 P.M. in the Centro de Usos Múltiples (formerly known as the Artisan Centre) there will be a traditional concert performed by local schools and groups including:- The School of Music Choir “Yolanda Parra”, the Guitar Group “Pedro Clemente”, the Pro-danza School “Nicky Mainstone”, the Spanish Dance School “Gustavo Criado”, The Oriental Dance School “Fátima Perestrello” And the Rociero Choir “Embrujo Mojáquero”.
Finallly, at 11 P.M. To conclude the festivities at the Centro de Usos Múltiples there will be a performance of the Pop-Flamenco group “Los Jereles” who will entertain us all with their versions of flamenco numbers with a pop twist.
There will be a bar to raise funds for the “AECC” cancer charity.