Is it legal or not to drive in flip flops or high heels?


Is it legal or not to drive in flip flops or high heels?

Reglamento General de Circulacion, article 3.1 ” You have to drive properly avoiding damage to people / things. It is forbidden to drive in a negligent or reckless way.”

When you drive with flip flops you can have an accident, and when you drive back home from the beach, your flip flops usually are wet and with sand, therefore you have a high risk of lose your flip flops while driving or when you use your car pedals. With Flip flops you cannot break/ accelerate properly, ALL this factors can end in a traffic accident and in this cases you can be fined for driving with an inappropriate footwear.

We have known many cases of people driving with flip flops or with high heels who have had an accident caused for the use of this kind of footwear. So there is NO article who prohibit the use of these footwear, but the article we have posted here (art.3.1) can be applied to those drivers who have an accident as a consequence of this or do not driver properly.

Remember to avoid this footwear, it is advisable not to use them but it is NOT FORBIDDEN !!

Artículo 3 Conductores

  1. Se deberá conducir con la diligencia y precaución necesarias para evitar todo daño, propio o ajeno, cuidando de no poner en peligro, tanto al mismo conductor como a los demás ocupantes del vehículo y al resto de los usuarios de la vía. Queda terminantemente prohibido conducir de modo negligente o temerario

source: – website for information provided by serving officers of the Guardia Civil Traffic Department