Ashlea Memorial
On a cool and sunny day in April, the Bar at El Pinar was a glorious setting for a fund raiser for MACS, the Mojácar Area Cancer Support Group. The event was named for Ashlea who lost her battle to cancer and to acknowledge all those families who have been affected by cancer. Many people devoted their time and effort to make this event a success. Julie Justice and Dean Hill from the bar donated the facility and the help staff in addition to providing tasty lasagna and curry. Deserts were provided by Maggi Lake, Sue Oxley, Gillian Bradley, Tracey Ingman and Paula Cooper. Proving the stellar entertainment were such local luminaries as: Lady Ellen, Jill Farmiloe, Clive Boley, Dennis Danzelman and Tony Justice. In addition, the MACS bunnies sang familiar songs with new and poignant lyrics written by Elaine Kay Brown.
The event raised 1,530 euros as well as 227 euros in contributions at the event from the more than 125 attendees. In addition, Susan Thorogood contributed 160 euros from the sales of her home-made marmalade. If you or a loved one needs the support of MACS, please call 634 656 555. If you would like to volunteer at any one of the MACS offices throughout the Almanzora Valley, please call 607 598 470.