THE MAY meeting of the Vega Baja Garden Club was hosted by Ron Harris, the club’s expert on the topic of roses.
Ron has grown roses all his life and exhibited widely in England before he came to live in Spain. Ron first of all reminded everyone of the most important gardening tasks for the month, and then introduced the main speaker for the afternoon, Alan Davis.
Alan is a club member, and a keen photographer. He gave a very interesting talk on the subject of photographing flowers, and passed on many tips and ideas as to how to capture the best possible pictures of fresh blooms.
Alan explained the uses of light and shade in a photograph, how best to achieve a good close up of a special flower. He exhorted us all to use our photographs to make such things as greetings cards and framed pictures for our walls, creating unique and original works of art.
Alan’s many pointers will be very useful to members later in the year for the flower photography competition.
The Rose Competion was judged by John Howes, an experienced RHS judge. He explained that a rose about half way through the blooming period is usually at its best, that it should have no insect damage, no wind or sun burn and no leaf curl.
The categories judged were for a single rose, this was won by David Coulson. The cluster category was won by Margo Gay, as was the category for the best scented rose, as decided by club members.
Ron had prepared a quiz for members on the topic of roses, this was great fun! There were three joint winners so a draw was made to select the winner!
The meeting ended with the usual raffle of plants and a question and answer session.
The June meeting will be an informal one, with a tapas lunch and the eagerly anticipated Marigold Competition! Marigold seeds were given to members some months ago with the aim of finding out who could produce the finest floral display!
The meeting will be held at Bar Trasgu, Calle Alicante 12, Formentera del Segura, on Monday 1st June at 2.15 for a 2.30 start.
If you are interested in gardening and would like to come along to the meeting, please do so, you will be most welcome.
For further information, please contact The Vega Baja Garden Club at vegabajagardenclub@gmail.com