On Wednesday, 10th June Badgers Golf Society, Mojacar, held a tournament at Marina Golf in commemoration of Margaret Weston, a long-standing member who sadly passed away one year ago. The event was sponsored by Margaret’s husband Mick, and son Mick Jnr – both Badgers members.
The day was a great success with 36 players competing for a wide array of awards. Prizes were provided by donations from Badgers’ members which meant the normal prize pot fee from each player was donated to MACS cancer support charity. Marina Golf’s commercial management also kindly contributed prizes from the golf shop and offered special shop discounts with every green fee. Their support for the entire day was invaluable. After the game all the players and many non-playing friends gathered on the terrace overlooking the course for the prize presentation and a delicious buffet, compliments of the Weston family.
Winning the individual Stableford competition with an impressive 41 points (and an equally impressive handicap cut) was Tony Rowbottom. Second place went to a resurgent Andy Mucha on 38 points, with Ken Dawkins third on 36. Prize for Leading Lady player was won by Jackie Dale. There were many other winners with special mention of Jan Page who sponsored the Nearest The Pin on hole 5, then won it herself and converted for a birdie 2 for another prize! Eight other players won NTP’s including Neil Bown, who also won the Straightest Drive competition.
The contribution of the players’ prize pot, plus a raffle, enables the Badgers and the Weston family to donate 300 euros to MACS.
Badgers Golf Society, Mojacar play every Wednesday and Saturday. Members and visitors are always welcome. Any golfers wishing to play should ring or email Mike Daily tel. 664876995 or Andy Mucha tel. 634333481, or email