Motorbikes – Pillion Passenger Rules
As most seasoned riders will know, carrying a passenger on a motorbike poses a whole range of risks, as the dynamics of the bike change with the added weight and shape of the extra load, which subsequently changes the handling and ride from what the rider might be used to.
Carrying a pillion passenger in Spain is legal, but the law has recently changed and it is now more restrictive as to who can be carried and by whom.
Article 12 of the Reglamento General Circulación details with the rules for cycles, mopeds and motorcycles.
Point 2 explains that on mopeds and motorcycles, a passenger can be carried on a motorcycle, so long as that passenger is 12 years of age or older and that the rider has a full license for the vehicle and the vehicle itself is suitable for carrying passengers. Police motorcycles for example are professionally adapted as single seat vehicles. You can only carry one passenger if there is a seat available. The rider and passenger are both obliged to wear an approved crash helmet, with the straps securely fastened.
Police motorcycles are professionally adapted as single seat vehicles.
The passenger is also required to straddle the vehicle and have both feet flat on the footrests and use the appropriate seat behind the driver. If the passenger´s feet don´t reach the footrests correctly, they cannot be carried. In no case is it permitted for a passenger to sit between the driver and the handlebars of the motorcycle or moped.
In no case is it permitted for a passenger to sit between the driver and the handlebars of the motorcycle or moped
There is an exception to the rule of age, as a child of 7 or above can rise as a passenger being driven by their parent, guardian or person authorised by them, provided all other requirements are met.
In any case, the rider has to be 18 years of age or above in order to be allowed to carry a pillion passenger, including children.
If the passenger’s feet don’t reach the footrests correctly, they cannot be carried.
Depending on your own insurance policy, you may also need additional cover in order to carry passengers, so check our policy before you do.
Artículo 12 Normas relativas a ciclos, ciclomotores y motocicletas
- Los ciclos que, por construcción, no puedan ser ocupados por más de una persona podrán transportar, no obstante, cuando el conductor sea mayor de edad, un menor de hasta siete años en asiento adicional que habrá de ser homologado.
- En los ciclomotores y en las motocicletas, además del conductor y, en su caso, del ocupante del sidecar de éstas, puede viajar, siempre que así conste en su licencia o permiso de circulación, un pasajero que sea mayor de 12 años, utilice casco de protección y cumpla las siguientes condiciones:
- a) Que vaya a horcajadas y con los pies apoyados en los reposapiés laterales.
- b) Que utilice el asiento correspondiente detrás del conductor.
En ningún caso podrá situarse el pasajero en lugar intermedio entre la persona que conduce y el manillar de dirección del ciclomotor o motocicleta.
- Excepcionalmente, los mayores de siete años podrán circular en motocicletas o ciclomotores conducidos por su padre, madre o tutor o por personas mayores de edad por ellos autorizadas, siempre que utilicen casco homologado y se cumplan las prescripciones del apartado anterior (artículo 11.4 del texto articulado).