Learning a language can be difficult but these days mobile apps are a great way to make language-learning fun. Here are four brilliant apps to help with your Spanish:
Duolingo – makes learning fun, turning the drudgery of learning a new language into a game. Earn points, race against the clock and scale the levels as your Spanish improves. It also lets you practice reading, writing, listening and speaking – recording your answers and rating your spoken Spanish.
Babbel – claims to “reinvented language learning” and gives users a new language-learning experience in which they can connect with fellow language learners. Babbel’s method focuses on repetition, unlike Duolingo. The app is free to download after which there is a monthly subscription cost. Babbel also uses a gamification strategy – encouraging learners to collect points as they progress through their language learning.
Busuu – offers vocabulary, audio and grammar lessons as well as allowing users to submit practice exercises where native speakers will help you perfect your skills. Users can also take part in interactive courses and direct interaction with native speakers via a video-chat application and peer-to-peer text corrections.
Memrise – helps users memorize thousands of words. The app offers hundreds of courses such as: Learn Basic Spanish, 100 most popular Spanish verbs and 350 Spanish sayings.