Leo the Lion’s Fight for Survival
A 4 year old boys journey to fight against a rare aggressive cancerous brain cancer called sPNET.
Leo had his first 9.5cm tumour in September 2015. Ten days after the operation Leo contracted sepsis and was given hours to live, but he continued to fight and prove the doctors wrong.
Leo also suffered a stroke and convulsions and has been left paralysed in the right hand side.
The tumour was diagnosed as benign in Spain.
Only five weeks later a second tumour grew 5cm in size.
Leos parents went to Alder Hey Hospital to have it removed, the pathology report came back that it was in fact an aggressive cancerous tumour….it has been originally misdiagnosed.
Leo underwent a second brain operation November 2015. Leos parents were given a choice whether to put him through chemo as the cancer was so aggressive with only a 20% survival rate…he did it and he did amazingly through chemo!!
Leo was in remission from November 2015, with routine MRI scans every 3 months. Leos scan in November 2016 showed a new growth, another tumour 1cm in size.
Alder Hey suggested radiotherapy over full head and spine but this would guarantee Leo with no life…..Leos parents searched desperately on the internet for other options and eventually found a trial in Pamplona, Spain with immunotherapy.
Leo then underwent his 3rd brain operation. Vaccines were successfully made for the immunotherapy.shafter discussions the doctors thought that the immunotherapy should be combined with another therapy as the cancer is so aggressive.
Leos parents are reluctant to give Leo radio due to his age and the damaging effects……the only option could be proton therapy overseas…..
Leo is such a determined little boy, he has fought with all his strength and defeated all of the odds so far. He has continued to go through operations, chemo, etc with a constant smile on his face….day by day he is progressing…
Find more information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1231483770263400/
Or go direct to Leo;s Gofundme page here: https://www.gofundme.com/leothelion3
Details taken from the Leo the lions Facebook in order to spread the word for his cause..
Please help if you can.