ACCORDING TO the latest report from the Murcia Health Department, tests on the most recent samples of water show that the Mar Menor is safe from all the beaches.
Taken towards the end of April, the results showed more than acceptable levels with the only downside being the amount of seaweed that had found its way on to some of the beaches that had been subjected to the inspections.
This follows on from the news that the Murcia region has recently lost 16 of its previously held Blue Flags – the most in Spain – following the latest review.
During last week, the President of the Murcia Region, Fernando López Miras visited the area and was delighted with the recent analysis results, remarking that, “…if the tests were undertaken now, we would not have lost any blue flags in the Mar Menor.”
In the light of this, he appealed to “the responsibility of all to promote the Mar Menor as it is now and strengthen it so that people coming from all over the world can continue to visit us and continue to enjoy this jewel. We are at levels of 20 years ago and this is a consequence of the work, management and measures of the regional government.” In this sense, he stressed that “we are doing a lot but we will do much more”.
As López Miras continued his tour, the research team of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) informed the President about the continued scientific research. Mr López Miras went on to say that the work going on “…demonstrates that the recovery of the salt lagoon is our priority.”