Pinky poo


DOG POO blighting the streets of Epworth in Lincolnshire is to be spray painted bright pink in a bid to shame owners who let their pets go in the street and to prevent pedestrians from stepping in the results.

Epworth Town Council has approved plans to buy eight spray cans and a team of councillors will take to the streets over the coming weeks to use the paint to highlight areas of dog mess.

The move comes after figures showed a rise in recent years in complaints about dog fouling across the Isle of Axholme with 21 people raising the issue in 2014/15 compared to 17 the previous year.

Councillor Don Stewart MBE, aged 76, said there was a lot of support for the scheme and the plans were passed unanimously at an environment committee meeting of the town council in March.

He added: “This has been used effectively in other areas so we thought we would give it a trial run. The vast majority of dog owners are responsible and put the mess in a plastic bag and into one of the dog bins. But it will serve as a reminder for the people who might forget from time to time. I don’t think Epworth is any better or worse than other places for dog mess, but you do see it and it is not nice. For the cost of £30 or £40 for a few cans of the paint we hope it will be effective in reducing the amount of dog mess on the streets.”