Members of the PSOE political party have asked the Ministry of Health to bring in a series of “positive discrimination” measures to ensure there is no interruption to surgical procedures during the summer months.
The plan is to reduce the waiting lists to see a consultant for the first time and any subsequent surgical procedures at the Hospital Rafael Mendez in Lorca which has the most patients in the area.
The request was made in a petition to the Regional Assembly by Isabel Casalduero and Consuelo Cano, who have asked for an “exceptional” plan for the hospital which would mean keeping two floors of the hospital open throughout the summer (that are normally shut down for that period) and thus maintaining an 100% level of both consultations and operations during July and August.
The Executive Health Secretary of the Partido Popular (PP), Domingo Coronado, said yesterday that Hospital Rafael Méndez will be reinforced with more equipment and 50 professionals, which will allow the “reducing of the waiting lists both medical and surgical.”