THEY’RE THE latest toy craze that’s taken over school playgrounds and beyond: fidget spinners.
But some are now being recalled from the shelves over safety fears.
Hundreds of fidget spinners have been taken out of supermarkets and off market stalls due to warnings that their batteries could cause choking and internal bleeding if swallowed by young children.
Trading standards officers from Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES) called for the move after finding they contain no safety information or minimum age.
The council warned that some of the spinners featured LED lights with lithium-ion batteries, which could cause internal bleeding if ingested.
Martin Veale, cabinet member for community services at B&NES, said: “Fidget spinners are new and currently very popular among young people. We want to ensure that, when using these devices, young people are safe.
“Our Trading Standards officers have been looking at some of the spinners on sale and found them to have very small dangerous parts, so for public safety it’s only right that they be withdrawn from sale. Anyone buying a fidget spinner should purchase it from a reputable trader and ensure the safety warnings can be clearly seen on the packaging.”
Fidget spinners were originally designed to improve fine motor skills in children with autism and other special needs. Even though it’s not been scientifically proven, supposedly they help decrease stress and improve concentration and focus.
If you’re planning to pick one up for your child or grandchild this summer when you see them on one of the market stalls, make sure you check for safety precautions and ensure they know how to play with it safely.
In a related development, an airport in Germany has taken a strong anti-fidget spinner stance by stopping 35 metric tons of the toys from entering the country in May.
Customs officials at an airport in Frankfurt said children could potentially choke on pieces that might detach from the whirling contraptions, and that they planned to destroy the seized toys.