Recognition for charity computer work


CHARITY WORKERS in Zurgena have been honoured for their work with local schools and libraries.

A presentation was made by local councillors in Zurgena’s Municipal Theatre to David Shear of PIRdA (and Albox Computer Club) and his fellow volunteers.

The group have worked with the town hall over the last six months to recondition 25 computers, including with educational software, for local schools and the municipal library. Mr Shear received a plaque and a commemorative ceramic plate and all members of the PIRdA group received a red rose.

The volunteers include David Shear, Christine Winter, David Sims, Bob Read, John Leigh, Peter Hird, Peter Hiden, Colin Gowan, Gerry Anderson, St. John Robinson, Len Toop, Frank Moorhouse and Ian Hurley.

The group work through PIRdA, a charity which takes old or unwanted computers and IT equipment and reconditions it before giving them to local associations, charities and other deserving groups and individuals.