Ten years of progression

EURONews247 contributor Jos Biggs

OVER the years I have progressed.

Some of it has been good – moving to Spain, for instance. Some of it has been inevitable but has certain benefits, such as getting to the age where I can use ‘I forgot’ as a valid excuse.

Some of it has been less welcome – I used to be a size 12, but don’t ask me what I am now, I’ve forgotten!

However, the progress of technology is one which I endeavour to embrace. To say that it is not easy is as much an understatement as to say that Donald Trump can be a little tactless.

But I am nothing if not determined! I have my own Facebook page, complete with flattering if not recent photo, but more than that, I have a link to my other page – Jos’s Points to Ponder @jos.biggs.livinginandalucia where my musings get an airing every Sunday.

Should anyone wish to reply, or share their own thoughts then I have a bespoke email address – josbiggs@hotmail.co.uk

And then of course there is my Linked In page, which also gets a Sunday update – but now I’m only boasting!

The world has progressed to a state where communication is instant and electronic. Yet to me manners and basic courtesy still remains a cornerstone of a civilised society, and should be preserved.

If you agree then let me know – electronically, of course!