Forming relationships and helping them to evolve requires some degree of experimentation. We try ‘this’ and discover someone reacts a particular way. We then make an effort with ‘that’ and discover how it influences our connection with someone. The coming week could prove enlightening as you discover how and why someone in your world reacts and responds to certain situations in the way they do. This will affect how you interact with them for a long time to come.
This week, it might feel as something stable and predictable in your world is being shaken. It’s important you trust this is part of an extremely helpful process and don’t become fearful of it. Sometimes, we take certain necessary steps only when push comes to shove. Eventually, we look back on how we were pushed and find ourselves feeling grateful for it. Try to bear all of that in mind as you take what might feel like a daunting step into the unknown.
This week, it’s important to allow your mind to become even more sponge-like than you normally allow it to be. There’s something you need to learn and truly grasp the concept of. It might have been your inability to get your head around whatever-it-is that has been a source of frustration in recent weeks. However, with your loved ones influencing ideas and thinking, you can expect a revelation of some kind. This epiphany can help make much lighter work of something you’ve been struggling to understand.
The recent eclipse might lead to a brief period of insecurity before they work their magic to improve what has been shaky or uncertain in an area of our lives. The coming week could be a pivotal one as you breathe a sigh of relief – or possibly punch the air with delight – at how stability and predictability replace what has been a source of anxiety. There could be a strong financial connection with this, and it could become clear how certain talents or expertise you possess can boost your income in a new way.
An area of your world that has been a source of frustration and subject to intense restriction can finally move forward this week, thanks to the recent eclipse occurring in your sign. Something that has been in a planning stage for as long as you can remember could receive the green light to proceed. Try not to spend too long looking for potential ‘catches’ in what’s being offered. This week’s opportunity needs seizing, not scrutinizing.
Getting to grips with changes occurring in more than one area of your world or becoming clearer about your long-term vision of the future might require you to detach yourself from the rest of the world to take stock of your situation. This isn’t you being unsociable; it’s a healthy and necessary step that’s needed for you to assess where you are currently with a closely-held aspiration – and where you want to be.
What might feel right and fair to you is bound to be something someone believes to be wrong or unjust and this could be a scenario you’ve grown used to in recent months. However, events this week could confirm with crystal clarity why you’re right to take a stand and defend a point of view in a way you’re determined to do. Giving in to someone else’s needs or demands to keep the peace simply isn’t an option anymore. You want respect and, by adhering to what you believe to be right, will receive it.
Your life might have taken a turn that has surprised or perplexed others recently but events this week will confirm why you’re not obliged to explain or justify what you’ve instigated or embarked upon. There could be a strong career angle to this and if your efforts to bring change to that area have resulted in a greater sense of fulfillment and promise, then don’t be swayed by criticism that could come from others.
You’re human and therefore cannot claim to have all the answers to life’s mysteries and quandaries. We receive tremendous help when we’re younger from individuals who want to be integral to broadening our minds, but reach a point where any further learning comes from our own initiative. This week, be prepared to embrace a learning curve that relies on proactivity coming from you to recognize its value – and seize it!
With so much emphasis that has likely existed on financial matters already this month, you understandably wish the cosmos would focus its efforts on another area. However, events this week continue to highlight finances and particularly money that doesn’t come from earnings. This relates to money such as inheritances, commissions or loans. A situation or arrangement might become tenser before it improves, but financial anxiety and uncertainty are about to be removed.
This week, it could become clear a certain challenge needs rising to, and it’s possible this is connected to your relationship with a certain person or organization. It’s your commitment to them or it that will come under scrutiny this week, and it will be clear what is changing with regard to that – and what needs to continue to change. However, you’re being blessed with fantastic levels of proactivity and creativity to instigate this long-overdue change. Things might never be the same again but for all the right reasons.
The coming week could bring a revelation surrounding how you’ve been drawing attention to certain skills or talents you possess and what needs to change within your strategy. Your ability to encourage others to recognize and understand what you can offer in more than one way is about to be enhanced significantly. It’s time others took more notice of your abilities and any brick wall you might have encountered recently in making that clear looks set to crumble.