I hate this age


ALAIN DELON, born 1935, was one of the great cinema stars of the 20th century.

Irresistibly good looking the French thespian wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

The movie star was just four-years old when his Parisian parents divorced, after which there was no settled home.

The French navy wasn’t the answer either as he spent 11 months of his 48- month’s service in the slammer.

His luck changed when, spotted by a talent scout in 1957, the Frenchman began his movie career.

Delon went on to become a silver screen heartthrob. The personable Parisian was also a successful businessman but was later caught up in a sex scandal at the highest level of French society.

Nevertheless, or perhaps because of his colourful background, the actor, who was once engaged to Romy Schneider is now disillusioned with life and cynical about later generations.

During an interview with the French newspaper Paris Match, the 82-year-old movie legend said: “he will die without regret because he hates the age we live in.

“There is no more respect, no word. Only money matters. We hear about crime all day. I know I’ll leave the world without regret. Life doesn’t give me much any more, I know everything, and I’ve seen everything. But first of all, I hate this age.”

As I too approach my dotage I can relate to Delon’s sense of disappointment. Having also suffered a difficult childhood, improved upon by fate’s dance of death to my grave I still find much to cheer me.

The greatest stories are those never written. We can be certain that our readers have woven their own tapestry.

Doubtless, many stories will be colourful. But, as the saying goes, the best experiences are never talked about.

Perhaps readers should be invited to pick up their pens and to also write a brief obituary not on themselves but on life as did Alain Delon.

It is difficult for me as the screen legend has already spoken for me.

Like Delon, I am thankful that I was born into a world which for all of its difficulties was far happier, more challenging and more fulfilling.

Our post-war generation found life little changed from life experienced by our forebears. Today’s generation is born into a challenging world that quite frankly arouses no envy in me.

I wish them luck for they are going to need it. Our generation were mostly born unlucky but made their luck.

Today’s generation were born lucky in material wealth, but I doubt very much they will be able to reflect on their lives as fondly as Delon and his contemporaries can comment on theirs.

I wonder what their obituary on life will be when they approach their dotage.