Nijar residents face big decisions


RESIDENTS of Nijar can now vote on 125 proposals by different organisations that the town council will eventually invest €150,000 on.

In what is known as the ‘Neighbourhood Participation Process,’ the 125 proposals have passed the second phase, having been narrowed down from an initial 241.

Residents over the age of 16 have until February 28 to register their vote and can choose their top three proposals on how to use the part of the municipal budget.

Among the proposals, many are related to the improvement of gardens, trees and areas of schools and public spaces, while others propose improvements of roads and sports facilities.

There are also several proposals on waste management, which include the installation of a town ‘clean point’ and also an increase in bins across the town.

More obscure proposals include the creation of a bike path between San Jose and Pozo de los Frailes, a small pottery museum, public toilets in Isleta del Moro during the summer months, a harbour in Las Negras, a caravan park in San Jose and an animal shelter.