TURMERIC has been used for thousands of years as a food and a medicine.
Curcumin is the main active ingredient of Tumeric and it has been acknowledged for many years for its medicinal benefits.
The health conscious amongst us have recently become more aware of its long term anti-inflammatory effects and strong antioxidant properties.
Short term inflammation is necessary to fight foreign invaders in the body but long term inflammation can lead to some chronic diseases. These include heart disease, cancer and even Alzheimer’s.
Unfortunately, Curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream and the one we find on our spice rack contains very little. It is advised to use a high quality tumeric supplement from Health Food shops containing Bio Piperine, a natural substance that enhances the absorption of Curcumin by 200 per cent.
Arthritis sufferers also experience great pain relief from taking Tumeric as do sufferers of digestive and intestinal problems.
The spice is the dried and ground rhizome of a plant belonging to the same family as ginger.
There are various ways of taking Tumeric, dissolved in milk aids the absorption as does a pinch of black pepper.
Making a paste of 2 parts honey 1 part Tumeric to dab on spots can offer relief to acne sufferers.
Easily added to most foods it has excellent health benefits.