A FEW weeks ago, I mentioned a conversation I had with my 13 year old daughter about my vinyl record collection.
She couldn’t understand why I needed to keep them. I tried to explain that I earned them, that they represented where I was at a certain time in my life.
This week I decided to ask her what place music has in her and her friend’s life? The answer was pretty much as I suspected, not much.
With technology her and her friends have so much more to do. They spend their time watching the YouTube channels that they subscribe to. She never watches TV.
There are no music programmes like our generation had. Top of The Pops, The Tube, The Old Grey Whistle Test are all long gone. My daughter could never imagine spending money on a magazine like Smash Hits.
With technology, today’s young have the world at their fingertips. My generation had to seek out information, we had to buy Sounds or the NME to see what was happening.
When you went to school on a Friday morning people would talk about Thursday night’s Top of The Pops!
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