MOJACAR’S branch of the Royal British Legion held a charity weekend earlier this month with the aim of raising money to mark this year’s Remembrance Day.
The group said it would like to thank Lenka and Chris of Los Conteros in Villaricos for hosting the weekend, which took place from Saturday October 6 to Sunday October 7.
The group are aiming to raise €1,111.11 by 11am on November 11th, Remembrance Day, for the Royal British Legion.
“The music was provided fantastically by M & M who also raised money by donations for requests. “Everyone was up and dancing and a wonderful evening was enjoyed. In addition to money raised from the event, Chris and Lenka also donated a raffle prize,” the branch said.
The Branch said it would also like to thank Gordon of Oasis Bar, Palomares for his continued bi-monthly support of Fish ´n Chip Quiz nights in aid of Poppy Appeal.
“The Branch wishes all bars, shops and restaurants who are helping by having a Poppy Collecting tin this year every success,” they said.