UPDATE BREAKING NEWS: Reports of an explosion in the centre of Enköping

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16:12 (October 22) – According to the local municipality, suspicions are that a gas bottle exploded inside the car.

The explosion ripped the roof off the car and set fire to others parked nearby.

Emergency services have asked residents to stay away from the scene over concerns that further explosions could take place. The car is parked in a residential parking lot with some of the windows in surrounding properties broken by the blast.

Lena Anderson, who lives in the neighbourhood, told SVT that she heard ”a loud bang like no other.

“It’s a hell of a bang, which brought the emergency services to the area really quickly.”

14:49 (October 22) – Reports are coming in of an explosion with police alerted by a number of callers.

According to news site SVT on Saturday, October 22 the explosion took place on the Torggatan in the centre of Enköping.

According to eyewitnesses, there is a burning vehicle on site.

At least one person is known to be injured and has been taken to the hospital.

Tobias Ahlén Svalbro, the på Polisregion Mitt, “We have a burning car and at least one person is injured.”

The area is understood to be cordoned off with emergency services and a helicopter on the scene.

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