Overcoming EU regulations and international drug treaties remain the most difficult obstacles for Germany’s goal to build Europe’s first taxed and regulated cannabis market
´A lot of political and regulatory inertia may start to shake loose after the new ruling coalition in Germany decision to legalize recreational cannabis in the country´, according to report by Politico. The report published on Friday, November 25 said, Germany has released a blueprint for Europe´s first taxed and regulated market for recreational cannabis in the country.
This latest German government ruling might not only enable the country to establish the first of such marketplaces in the EU, but it could also help change the future of recreational cannabis legalization in other EU countries.
According to Niklas Kouparanis, CEO of German cannabis company Bloomwell Group, this is a huge moment, the report states. He said, “Germany is basically pioneering the way to legalize cannabis for other EU member states”.
Several countries in the European Union have already legalized medical marijuana use. But new cannabis-based pilot projects across the EU could further lead to the broader legalization across the continent, the report said.
For Germany, the path to the legalization of cannabis still has a lot of hurdles ahead. The report said, the biggest problems will be to overcome EU laws and international drug treaties. Due to this reason, the German government has already proposed a ban on imports.
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