Italian police arrest parents alleged of having enslaved their 14-year-old daughter

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Italian police have arrested two individuals on charges of enslavement and grievous bodily harm perpetrated on their 14 year-old daughter. 

Rai News have reported that the father and mother, of Bosnian nationality and aged 41 and 36, were arrested after the victim told police about her situation. Allegedly her parents used physical violence to force her to do the housework and to beg for money at a nearby supermarket. The investigating judge has said that the man must be kept in custody whilst the judicial process progresses, whilst the woman has been placed under house arrest. 

In a statement, the judge said that the alleged perpetrators are “violent and abusive personalities who were determined to draw economic gains for their own personal needs via forcing their daughter to beg”. The judge also explained that when the parents became aware that the girl had spoken to staff at her school about her treatment, the parents beat her, with the hope that she would stay quiet in the future and therefore avoid the intervention of the police or social services. 

It is also alleged that the parents had arranged a marriage for the girl with a stranger, in exchange for money, against the girl’s wishes. The victim has now been taken into protection by social services. 

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