The discovery of the runestone resulted in archaeologists finding one of the oldest examples of inscriptions dated over 2,000 years old
A major discovery by archaeologists in Norway has led them to find what they claim is the world´s oldest runestone.
According to a report by the Guardian on Tuesday, January 17, the runestone is suggested to be over 2,000 years old.
As per the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, the inscription on the rune stone might be one of the oldest recorded of writings found in Scandinavia.
A statement by the museum cited in the report said that it was “among the oldest runic inscriptions ever found and the oldest datable runestone in the world”.
“This find will give us a lot of knowledge about the use of runes in the early iron age. This may be one of the first attempts to use runes in Norway and Scandinavia on stone”, said Kristel Zilmer, a professor at the University of Oslo, as per the report.
Zilmer also said that the discovery is “The most sensational thing that I, as an academic, have had”.
The report also said that archeologists in the region have found ruins on several older artifacts, but not on stones.
“The earliest runic find is on a bone comb found in Denmark”, said Zilmer, adding “that maybe the tip of a knife or a needle was used to carve the runes”.
The runestone is reported to be exhibited at the Museum of Cultural History from January 21 onwards. This museum houses the largest collection of all types of artifacts from this region, all the way from the stone age to modern times.
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