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I RECENTLY had a conversation with a friend about the Royal Family. Fatigued by the constant coverage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s impending wedding, I grumbled:...

It’s time to call Theresa May undemocratic

THE debate over Brexit isn’t about Brexit anymore. It’s about democratic accountability and the limits of referenda in modern politics. They are, bluntly, a fad. There is no...

Votes for life must only be the beginning

WHEN proposing better voting rights for expats abroad one of the most common questions is ‘why?’ The argument follows that if someone has left the UK, there’s absolutely...

Why it’s time for overseas MPs

BRITS overseas are a curious bunch. For the folks back home it looks as if we’ve sailed away for sun, fortune and a better life. But that’s...

Passports are a hint of things to come

WITH little surprise, it turns out the ‘new’ blue British passports are now to be made by a Franco-Dutch company. The irony can’t hit hard enough. Lord Palmerston once...

Guns will stop the US government? Give me a break

EVERY schoolboy and schoolgirl across the world know these word. Well, the ones that haven’t been slain in one of the 18 school massacres this year in...

Is Batfleck the hero for the Trump generation?

THE Justice League is out, and the verdict isn’t great. Who cares, you might ask, it’s only a film. Well, for one Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are the mythological...

Star Trek: Discovery

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY has ended and, spoiler alert, the appearance of the U.S.S Enterprise in the last moments is a red herring as much as an analgesic. Has Discovery lived up to its...

If Nigel Farage is calling for a second referendum, it’s time for a rethink

THERE'S a great satire out at the moment called ‘War Machine’. Brad Pitt plays an overzealous American general brought in to win the US war in Afghanistan....

Decluttering social media

SOCIAL media’s a bit of a bombsite. If your accounts resemble mine, then they're a patchwork of random likes and superfluous information that’s grown and grown to...

New Year’s resolutions are hogwash…

…AND hogwash of the highest order! If I had a penny for every time the indulgently aggrandising ‘new year, new you’ phrase was plastered online, I'd be a...

The Apprentice is bad for business and bad for the BBC

THE APPRENTICE  is not as mercilessly mocked as it should be. Once it was an interesting show, an informative middle-class equivalent of shut-the-frontal-lobe-down and rest the mind escapism...

Have you noticed something about Bond villains?

BOND. Ja- well, you know the rest. Handsome spy saving civilisation from dastardly men (and a few women) who all have something common.  No, not the cat. Or...

I’m a member of the Scottish Parliament – Get Me Out Of Here!

A MINOR furore has kicked off in Scotland over Scottish Labour’s former leader, Kezia Dugdale, joining the I’m Celebrity Get Me Out of Here jungle. But has Kezia...

It’s not superhero fatigue, it’s misery fatigue

EVERY day another celebrity is accused of sexual harassment. So is it any surprise that the main problem with the new Justice League film is its male heroes? No one...

Brits abroad must help support stray cats and dogs

ON a recent trip to Greece, I was struck by the number of stray cats and dogs. After some research, I discovered I was not alone. One woman...

Shouldn’t International Men’s Day be as important as the female equivalent?

INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day (March 8) is a hugely important awareness campaign that drives the message that women, across the world, are belittled and violated because of their...

Lights, camera, Salmond!

FOR “whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” said Prometheus, as he learned of Alex Salmond’s new RT-backed television show. After more than twenty years Salmond’s...

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