Breast cancer awareness month in Almeria


THE Junta de Andalucia, the University of Almería (UAL), the Provincial Board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and the Association of Mastectomised Women of Almeria (AMAMA) have organised an extensive October programme of activities to generate support for the fight against breast cancer.

The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, treatment and support to affected patients and their families.

The delegate of the Government in Almeria, Gracia Fernández and the territorial delegate of Equality, Health and Social Policies, José María Martín, have organized events, together with representatives of AMAMA, UAL and AECC.

Gracia Fernández said that “this year we wanted to give continuity again to this initiative, expanding activities throughout the month of October and not only on the World Breast Cancer Day, held on October 19.” The Government delegate said that “breast cancer is the most frequent tumour among women, and each year an average of 4,000 new cases in Andalusia are confirmed.”

The calendar of activities has already started in September, with a solidarity parade in Huércal-Overa, organised by the AECC. In addition to these activities, throughout the province, there will be meetings in secondary education centres and neighbourhood venues, round tables in hospitals and primary care centres, sports tournaments, concerts and supportive meals to contribute to improving awareness of the disease, its prevention, diagnosis and treatment.