Stage Door 35 theatre updates

STARS: Val, left, and Edwina

SORRY folks but for reasons totally beyond our control, we’ve had to change a couple of performance dates for “The Speakeasy Murder.” Don’t worry as we are still coming to you and hope to announce more dates in the near future.

The new dates are as follows, El Cortijo, Bedar we have moved to Monday November 27.

Tickets are on sale now and available from the venue. Please be in your seats by 7.30pm as the show starts promptly at 8.00.

For those who live in or near Los Gallardos, you can now see the show in The Miraflores Ballroom on Camping Los Gallardos on Tuesday November 28. As with the other venues, please be in your seats by 7.30 as the show promptly at 8.00.

You can still see us in the Beachcomber, Mojacar on Tuesday October 24. Please take your seats by 7.30 as the show starts at 8.00. If you haven’t already got your tickets don’t leave it too long as they are going quickly.

You can win a prize not only for guessing who did the dirty deed but also for best dressed gangster and moll.

If you can’t get to see us in any of the above venues, fear not! We return to Kuki’s Bar on Mojacar Playa on Tuesday December 5. Start time is the same and tickets are now available but they are going very quickly!

Once again folks, sorry to make this announcement but it was completely unavoidable.

We are one of the most well established and well equipped drama groups in the area so if you are interested in joining us then please contact me, Bill White, on 671 81 08 19 or email as we are always looking for new members on stage, back stage and front of house.