Boogie in Blue 2015 in aid of MACS


Boogie in Blue 2015 in aid of MACS

Saturday 14th November saw moustaches renewed for the annual Boogie in Blue Charity Fitness class in aid of MACS. “Celebrity” Instructors put the crowd through their paces with 70s themed exercise routines.

Boogie Class

The morning event, sponsored by Ibex Insurance, and held at The Kimrick in Mojacar, raised a massive 2015€ (so far), for MACS Cancer Support Group.

Boogie Ibex

Special guest appearances were made by “Major Celebrities” including Rod Stewart, Shirley Bassey, ‘genuine’ 70’s footballing greats, Tony and Lola, fresh off the plane from the Copacabana, Hot Gossip, ABBA, The Mojacar Pueblo Village People, The Boys from the Full Monty and an unnamed 70’s Porn Star!, all leading the group to routines from such classics, including The Time Warp, YMCA, Tiger Feet and Oops Upside Your Head.

Boogie Village People

Boogie Rod

Boogie Copacabana

Boogie Abba

Boogie Hot Gossip

Boogie Bassey

Boogie Full Monty

Lots of fun was had by all, and, more importantly, this event, again, raised a fantastic amount of money for MACS

Big thanks go out to all of you who donated, helped, danced and wore your mo’s with pride, including;

* Ibex Insurance for sponsoring us and enabling that every euro collected goes straight to Macs.
* Cafe 353 for the gorgeous cupcakes.
*The Kimrick for the use of their venue.
* Phil And The Invisibles for all your technical help and support.
* All the “Celebrity” Instructors
* Tracey Ingman our photographer(Bert)
* Brenda the fat controller, Lesley Lammers and Denise for the raffle and door control
* Julie and Shaun for the decorating
* All those who gave up their time to help this fantastic event take place

And a very big Thank You to everyone in the local Community who donated a raffle prize

Boogie Prizes

We had a ball!!!! Let’s hope that the main message is clear……

PSA CHECKS SAVE LIVES….Get your sons, brothers and loved ones checked!!

Boogie Logo

Boogie Class 5

Boogie balloons

Boogie T Shirts

Boogie Cops Door

Boogie Porn Star

Boogie Class 3

Boogie Crowd

Boogie Tiger Feet

Boogie Rod 2

Boogie Full Monty first

Boogie Full Monty 2

Boogie Class 2

Boogie Porn Star 2

Boogie Crowd 1

Boogie Class 4

Boogie Rod Backers

Boogie Crowd 2

Boogie Crowd 3

Boogie Oops

Boogie Oops 2

Boogie Oops 3

Boogie oops 4

Boogie YMCA

Boogie Warm Up

Boogie Crowd 5

Boogie Crowd 6

Boogie Crowd 7

Boogie Crowd 8

Boogie Crowd 9

Boogie Crowd 10