FAST (First Aid Support Team) are a group of volunteers who reside on Camposol near Mazarron. They respond to medical emergencies around Camposol for residents and visitors alike.
There are currently seven new recruits being trained by in-house instructors, the training team led by President Barry (Baz) Hamilton will instruct the new recruits in life saving techniques and first aid.
For the last few months the group has not been able to provide the 24 hour cover that they did in the past. Some responders returned to the UK or stopped responding for other reasons. FAST is always looking for new recruits who can spare a few hours to help the people of Camposol, and the cover of 12 hour duties can now be split to suit responders’ availability. It is very rewarding and you get to meet a great group of people who are all good friends and meet regularly for training and social events. Why not come along and give it a try? No previous first aid experience is required. Among the group of supporters and responders are ex police, ex army, navy, teachers, engineers and social workers.
When numbers have increased the group hopes to be able to give 24/7 cover again.
In July FAST responded to eleven calls of which three required an ambulance. If you require medical emergency assistance on Camposol, you should call 112 first and ask for someone who can speak your language, you should explain the problem to them. Then call FAST on 968 970 626, give your name address and a brief description of the emergency.
The group is looking to replace its number two vehicle as it is now 10 years old, so they will be spending a lot of the money donated by local businesses, residents and visitors to Camposol.
The FAST nurses have not been out every Monday as it has been so hot, but don’t worry the pretty one will soon be back (must get her to have a shave)!
The president of CST/FAST presented a certificate of appreciation and voucher to Patricia (Paddy) and John Snell at a training session at the social centre. John and Paddy have now left Camposol for the UK after living in Spain for 14 years. They will be sorely missed by FAST as they have been staunch supporters of this organisation since its inception, and their talents have been invaluable. During their time with FAST, John compiled the responder monthly duty roster. He was official photographer and also Matron to the FAST nurses as well as collecting as a nurse. Patricia (Paddy) has been secretary, publicity officer and FAST responder and recently a supporter helping at the bookstall.
If you would like to get in touch with FAST then you can send an email to recruitment@fast2016.org or secretary@fast2016.org.
The group is also at the cultural centre on B sector every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm.