Training to tackle Alzheimer’s


THE City Council of Mojácar, along with the Ministry of Health and Equality, the Spanish Alzheimer’s Confederation, CEAFA, and the Association of Relatives of the Sick, AFA, have organised an Alzheimer’s workshop in the town.

The talk was given by the CEAFA psychologist, María del Mar F. Sánchez, who explained the characteristics of this disease and the care it requires. She also discussed the problems that families and their carers face when dealing with the disease.

Alzheimer’s is a progressive mental illness that degenerates nerve cells and produces a loss of memory, disorientation and intellectual and personal deterioration.

The AFA has developed a series of techniques, advice and care for the caregivers to Alzheimer’s patients, which they call “caregivers’ care”. It has been shown that these people suffer from frequent symptoms of overwork including tensions and stress from seeing the deterioration of loved ones.

Ana García, Councilor for Education and Senior Citizens of the City of Mojácar, stressed the importance of this type of informative activity that not only serves as guidance to interested people, but also supports neighbours in sensitive circumstances.