Ex-Albox mayor to go to court for alleged corruption

AWAITING JUSTICE: Mena (inset) is yet to learn his fate CREDIT: PSOE (inset), Albox Council (main)

THE former Mayor of Albox, Rogelio Mena, accused of spending more than €2,000 of public money on trips and private meals, must wait until October to learn his fate, when an oral hearing will be held.

In 2016, Mena left office to start two and a half years of disqualification after being convicted of denying information to the opposition.

In this second case he is being prosecuted for alleged crimes of prevarication and continued misappropriation of public funds.

Mena has announced he is going to request the liquidation of his sentence claiming the legal deadline has elapsed.

Meanwhile, his predecessor, socialist Jose Garcia Navarro, has received a 10-year disqualification from employment within the public office for showing favouritism within his duties in the Town Hall.

It has been reported he could also receive 12 years of imprisonment in another procedure where he accused of malpractice while awarding contracts for €1.1 million, a crime of administrative prevarication.

It is claimed he signed 12 work contracts on behalf of the City Council ‘without following any procedure and without justifying the causes’.

Navarro resigned for ‘personal reasons’ in 2013.