Is Batfleck the hero for the Trump generation?

THE Justice League is out, and the verdict isn’t great. Who cares, you might ask, it’s only a film. Well, for one Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are the mythological...

The dark side of the moon

OUR doorbell had decided to work, so I noticed that someone wished to speak to us. As the doorbell had made a special effort, and because I am...

Prevention better than cure

AT a guess I would say that most health problems are self-inflicted. I too am guilty for I was once a heavy smoker, I sometimes drank too...

Star Trek: Discovery

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY has ended and, spoiler alert, the appearance of the U.S.S Enterprise in the last moments is a red herring as much as an analgesic. Has Discovery lived up to its...

The last exit

IT wasn’t supposed to be like this. Surely I should have been blissfully unaware of my surroundings and oblivious to what was going on around me. But, after strolling...


I am no particular fan of housework - it is not a pleasure, but it must be done. It is a chore, and gets in the way...

If Nigel Farage is calling for a second referendum, it’s time for a rethink

THERE'S a great satire out at the moment called ‘War Machine’. Brad Pitt plays an overzealous American general brought in to win the US war in Afghanistan....

Pause for Pancakes

PANCAKE DAY!! How many of us, I wonder, remember having fun as children each year on Pancake Day, tossing pancakes, having pancake races or just enjoying eating...

I hate this age

ALAIN DELON, born 1935, was one of the great cinema stars of the 20th century. Irresistibly good looking the French thespian wasn’t born with a silver spoon...

Pause for thought in stormy weather

OUR television screens have lately been filled with pictures of the impact of storms back home in Britain, with trees uprooted, power lines cut and widespread damage...

Not sorted

I’M not good with numbers - they jump about, change places, turn themselves upside down or the wrong way round, indeed anything to confuse me. So I...

Decluttering social media

SOCIAL media’s a bit of a bombsite. If your accounts resemble mine, then they're a patchwork of random likes and superfluous information that’s grown and grown to...

Chit-chat not cheat-chat

BANTER is a charming yet misunderstood term. The reason for the confusion is because it appears to be a peculiarly Irish trait. It is the Blarney of those lucky...

Assistance from Assistants

THERE are certain things that animals, with their superior senses, know for definite; Mr Tommy Fluffipants knows for definite that I can get dressed in the mornings...

New Year’s resolutions are hogwash…

…AND hogwash of the highest order! If I had a penny for every time the indulgently aggrandising ‘new year, new you’ phrase was plastered online, I'd be a...

Let Us Vote For 1 April

CHRISTMAS has come and gone, New Year is over in a flash, the Spanish have got Three Kings to come, but then it’s all quiet until Easter....

When redcoats were popular

FLIPPING through a collection of pre-war photographs I was struck by changes that have since taken place. About 1925, a young man named Billy Butlin took a...

If you’ve got it flaunt it

ONGOING debate about the distraction of social media and television has much merit. But, it is our weakness if such takes up too much of our time....

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